Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Food menu

Here's the food menu and days, if there is anything that you would prefer to make please make a note of it. Otherwise I'll just make assignments.

Sat evening D: Spaghetti, garlic bread, salad, Kool-aid, cherries

Sun B: Cereal, milk, banana/zuchinni bread, 1/2 banana, OJ

Sun L: Ham, baked beans, green beans, roll, frog eye salad, potato fries

Sun D: leftovers and campfire popcorn and nachos

Mon B: Boiled omelets (individually done) Juice V8 water, orange slices

Mon L: Chicken salad pita, grapes, cookies

Mon D: dinner in the park

Tues B: Pancakes, Sausages, Hot cocoa or postum

Tues L: Fish Sandwich, Pasta salad, Pop

Tues D: Turkey, Salad, Rolls, Peas/carrots, yam casserole, stuffing, mashed potato, juice, pumkin pie

Wed B: Yogurt, granola, honeydew

Wed L: Potato bar, Salad, pears, cinnimon rolls

Wed D: BBQ Dinner at fair

Thurs B: Oatmeal Bar, Strawberries

Thurs L: Packed Lunch-Sandwich, chips, apple, cookie, carrots/cellery(ranch), capri drink

Thurs D: Hamburgers, corn on the cob, veggie tray, potato salad, watermelon

Fri B: Biscuit and gravy, peach slices, milk

Fri L: sloppy joes, cole slaw, banana bread remaining fruit

Fri D: Haystacks

Sat B: Cereal cookies and leftovers

I have recipes ready for the large amounts needed and I will post ingrediants needed to see if you can bring some from home and help reduce the cost of food.If there are any changes needed just make a note.


Blogger RobRoy said...

I've created a menu that can be printed and might be a bit easier to manage. I've posted it on my blog.


7/20/2011 8:39 AM  
Blogger Angela (Cockrellites:) said...

Awsome! thanks Rob I had hoped to do that but wasn't sure how to:)

7/21/2011 8:55 AM  

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